Productions > Latin Strings > In the Spirit of Dada > Gold & Silk > Rhythm & Romance > Alphorn Nordic Winds > Die Liebenden

Concert program «Latin Strings»
«Latin Strings» Program
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725): Concerto grosso No.1, in f- minor
paul taylor orCHestra mit EOS Guitar Quartet (basso continuo)
Manuel De Falla (1876-1946): „Siete canciones populares españolas“ for solo violin, arr. P. Taylor for string orchestra
Laida Alberdi Ugarte, soloist
Manuel De Falla: aus „El Amor Brujo“ for four guitars, arr. EOS
Jacques Demierre (*1954): „Retrato de H.S. a fuego lento“(Premiere)
Leo Brouwer (*1939): „Gismontiana“ for four solo guitars and strings
Background notes
paul taylor orCHestra bands together with world renowned eos guitar quartet to perform „Gismontiana“, a concerto for four guitars and string orchestra. „Gismontiana“, is a six movement lyrical, virtuoso work of passionate and reflective moods. This homage by the Cuban composer Leo Brouwer to the melodies of his younger Brazilian colleague Egberto Gismonti is a true musical fusion. Brouwer is that rare composer who writes rhythm for the body and (jazz) harmony for the soul in classical dress.
In the Program „Latin Strings“ we want to „string together“ the classical roots of Latin music with modern movement, spirit, and complexity. The Italian classical tradition is central, having enriched and inspired almost all music for over 400 years. Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725), essentially a conservative composer, takes a central place in early Italian Baroque music as a disciplined but highly creative renewer of Operas and Cantatas. Scarlatti already as young composer earned great applause for vocal expressivity, which brought him positions as Music director in church and private estates in Rome, then Naples and Florence with commissions from Venice. His Operas gave increasing importance and variety to the role of the orchestra. Scarlatti fathered the Italian fast-slow-fast “Sinfonia”, which would develop into the classical symphony and finally, late in his career, took up writing the obligatory multi-purpose "Concerti Grossi" in a highly compact manner. His uncomplicated Concerti for strings were precursors to the classical string quartet. In Scarlattis First Concerto Grosso, one encounters surprising irregular phrasing, allowing twists and subtle turns to rhythm and harmony allowing music of remarkable emotionality.
The universally celebrated early 20th Century Spanish composer Manuel de Falla (1876 - 1946) profoundly enriched the symphonic repertoire. Whether sung, played by guitar or violin, Falla’s music says “España”. In this program, the EOS guitarists perform their own arrangement of Symphonic Rhapsody «El Amor Brujo», (Love, the sorcerer) distilling symphonic passions into a pure guitar sound world.
Falla‘s songs in „Siete canciones populares españolas“ (7 popular spanish songs) are often performed without words. The canciones can be sung with fire and passion without words in the hands of the finest violinists, especially one steeped in Iberian culture as is our soloist Laida Alberdi Ugarte.
A further highlight of the program will be a new work in the Latin spirit commisioned by paul taylor orCHestra for this project with EOS Quartet by Jacques Demierre (1954), of Geneva. Demierre is a pianist, acclaimed improvisor, and highly creative composer skilled in several modern styles.
Leo Brouwer (*1939 ) is a Cuban composer, conductor and guitarist. He ist he grandson of composer Ernestina Lecuona y Casado, and great nephew of composer Ernesto Lecuona. Brouwer was born in Havana, and received his initial musical stimulus from his father, a physician, who was an aficionado of Villa-Lobos, Tarrega and Granados. Young Brouwer received guitar lessons from Isaac Nicola, a student of Emilio Pujol. Subsequently Brouwer went to the United States to study music at Hartt College of Music, University of Hartford, Connecticut. His further studies at the Juilliard School, New York, were with Vincent Persichetti, and Stefan Wolpe.
In 1970, Brouwer played in the premiere of „El Cimarron“ by Hans Werner Henze in Berlin. Brouwer was awarded the DAAD Scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service) and served as guest composer and lecturer at the Academy of Science and Arts in Berlin. Brouwer’s playing career ended in 1980 due to an injury to his right hand. Brower’s early works show influence from Cuban Folk music, but during the 1960s and 70s, he became interested in the music of modernist composers such as Luigi Nono and Iannis Xenakis using techniques of indeterminancy (Zufall). In the 1980’s Brouwer’s works have returned towards tonality and modality.