Concert video excerpt

"Gold & Silk" in rehearsal
Paul Taylor and Arkady Shilkloper, Horn, Alphorn, Flugelhorn, Composer rehearse with orCHestra in the Tonhalle, Zürich, September 2015
Nyman, Gorsky, Shilkloper Skriabin, Beatles etc..

draKOOL! Daniel Schnyder Swiss Premiere Live
10.6.2016 Tonhalle, Zürich paultaylororCHestra "In the Spirit of Dada" in Zürcher Festwochen

Dress Rehearsal "Jota"by Manuel De Falla June, 2017
Laida Ugarte Alberdi, violin, paultaylororCHestra, Tonhalle "Latin Strings"

Live Concert "Latin Strings" Scarlatti
paul taylor orCHestra with Eos Guitar Quartet play Alessandro Scarlatti Concerto Grosso No. 1 in F minor, 13th June, Tonhalle Zürich

Film Excerpt, Alphorn & Nordic Winds
The rehearsals and concerts at the end of June 2013, were filmed by Hans Jürgen von der Burchard.
Here is an excerpt from "Concerto for Alphorn and Strings" by Carl Rütti with soloist Eliana Burki and paul taylor orCHestra.