Productions > Latin Strings > In the Spirit of Dada > Gold & Silk > Rhythm & Romance > Alphorn Nordic Winds > Die Liebenden

The Lovers
Introductory scene: „The Composers“
Text (in Finnish): Loveballade from „Kanteletar“
Rakastava: Jean Sibelius (1865 – 1957)
The Lover
The Way of the Beloved
Good evening my Love
Poem (in English): „Simple gifts“
Shaker Loops, 1978; for string orchestra, rev.1982: John Adams (*1947)
Part I Shaking and Trembling
Part II Hymning Slews
Part III Loops and verses
Part IV A Final Shaking
Poem (in German): „Tranfigured Night“, Richard Dehmel
Verklärte Nacht, op.4, rev. 1943: Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)