Productions > Latin Strings > In the Spirit of Dada > Gold & Silk > Rhythm & Romance > Alphorn Nordic Winds > Die Liebenden

In the Spirit of Dada
This new concert program, presented with the "Festpiele Zurich" in June 2016, is a concept by Paul Wegman Taylor and Sirkka Varonen by invitation of the Director of the Festspiele Zurich, Dr. Elmar Weingarten.
Performers: members of paul taylor orCHestra and guest instrumentalists and soloists, directed by Paul Taylor.
This program is a contribution to the 100 years Celebration of Dada, an artistic movement the germination of which took place in Zurich. We propose to retropect works by composers inspired by the Dada movement, works which playfully, often acerbically, live out a countercultural attitude, and to offer composer/ musician's works of today in the "spirit of Dada":
Contemporary Swiss and International composers were invited to contribute recent and wholly new compositions in variing orchestral format that can be experienced as "à la Dada":
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"Dada Eclecticism and Aleatory in Music" The Dadaists literally took cultural products and turned them on their head. By using processes of fragmentation, recontextualization, appropriation, reordering and scrambling, Dadaist confused and warped conventional cultural information to the point of nonsense. The Dadaist preferred to work in nonsense, chaos, irrationality, and intuition, making the general point that if consensus knowledge got us to WW1, artists have a responsibility to offer an alternative to that logic. Or, in other words, that it is the faulty logic (presented as unassailably correct) of the powers-at-be that put the world into the mess it was in during the 1930s and 40s.
In the Spirit of Dada with paul taylor orCHestra
Works by: Erik Satie, Edgar Varese, John Cage, György Ligeti, John Wolf Brennan (Premier), Marc Kilchenmann (Premier), Daniel Schnyder (CH Premier),
Soloist: Anna Florina Herbst, Soprano, Jaume Juan Baldo Crespo, trumpet and Dorottya Marosvári, Piano, Celesta and Toy-Piano
orCHestra Concert June 10th, 2016
Tonhalle Zürich, «kleiner Saal»
Edgar Varese: Octandre, 1923
Marc Kilchenmann: apeiron, (ein Stück nach Anaximandros für Pauke und 1 - 7 Gruppen von Klangerzeugern ad lib), 2016
John Cage: Suite for Toy Piano, 1948
Paul Suits: Im Park, 1998/ 2016
Erik Satie: Relâche, 1924 with the film Entr’acte, (the original film by René Clair is presented with live soundtrack)
John Wolf Brennan: Dädaleum, 2016
Daniel Schnyder: draKOOL, 2015
György Ligeti: Mysteries of the Macabre, 1977
Konzert in Rheinau, 11. Juni 2016 Kaisersaal
The Tonhalle Program without Satie.